Please take a look at the BlogHer site, study it carefully and start planning for that and our associated meetup. Here are some things to think about as you look over the material...
I would like you to attend and participate as a representative of Outhink and SpinFlow. There is a program to sponsor new bloggers. See if that fits for what we are doing and make recommendations to Dave and I regarding that. I would also like you to "vlog" the event for SpinFlow. I would like this will be a multi-media article submission and it will have to be reviewd for publication like the other articles. (Note to Dave: let's set up a standard article rate and pay it to Rachel as a bonus if published).
There is also a BlogHer sponsorship that Outhink might explore. It seems that at the simple end there is an "ad swap" program and then there are fancier things like sponsoring luncheons, etc. Talk this over with Dave and see if any of these options make sense for Outhink at this time. Please let me know what you decide.
Remember that we are planning to sponsor a "Vlogger" meet-up around Ryanne and Jay's visit. What do we need to do for this? Is the best thing a simple pizza dinner sometime after BlogHer ends at 5:45pm? Are any of the BlogHer folks planning an informal event that is not on the schedule and that we may want to respect in some way?
Please coordinate a budget discussion between yourself, Dave and I. Both Outhink and Apperceive are sponsoring this. Once this is done, please coordinate Ryanne and Jay's travel and lodging.
Let's plan to discuss meetup coordination when you return. I would like you to be the contact point when we make announcements. We may need to set up some sort of RSVP web page for this.
Perhaps it would be good to reach out to a member of the organizing committee and share with them what we are doing and planning and see how we can best coordinate these two events. Maybe Ryanne has a contact she can recommend.
Hi there: I'm one of the co-founders of BlogHer, and I saw your post.
The conference wraps up and then there will be an on-site cocktail hour in the atrium of the meeting location.
The for Saturday dinner, however, we are trying to just go a little more grassroots and no-host.
People can go on the BlogSheroes community (which you have to join to post to) and volunteer to host a topic-oriented dinner here:
We'll help out-of-towners find appropriate locations for what they're looking for.
I'm so excited you guys are getting all into this and your plans sound really exciting.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I just love the Internet!
Thank you so much for the information and reaching out to join the conversation.
I have forwarded your email to Rachel as we have yet to explore group blogs, RSS or cross-blog comment notification.
Thank you once again,
Markus- IM BACK! This is my first comment since my return and I have a lot of work to do today. I read all of your emails and will somehow try to respond to all of the necessary assignments or comments. About the BlogHer conference, I also got an email from Ryanne!! She told me about what she is planning for her presentation and how I can help- I will send you the email she sent me. Anyways- I would love to make a vlog of BlogHer for SpinFlow-I think that would be smart.
After reading the first comment on this post I'm wondering how that effects the dinner we are trying to plan. Are you going to go to the cocktail hour? Were we trying to host this dinner on Saturday? What are your ideas for scheduling? Let me talk to my dad about all of this...
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